For Students, Alumni, and Employers

Career & Intern Expo

With over 100 employers in attendance, whether you want to land your first internship, find your dream job, or just explore what's out there, you simply can't miss our biggest event of the year! With various employers from an assortment of industries (business, nonprofit, government, K-12 Education, Higher Education, and more), we're sure you will find something that interests you! 

But wait, there's more! Attendees will be automatically entered into a raffle, an ipad or Sony wireless/noise canceling headphones or a Bose speaker! Plus multiple gift cards to various places and eating establishments. 15 total winners for CLU students and alumni who attend and sign in. RSVP today to make sure you get the latest updates!

Professional LinkedIn Photographer will be at the event from 10am to 2pm.
Come take a photo FREE of Charge!
Questions: Email: Cynthia Smith (

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The Spine (Quad area near flagpoles)
If Rain: Soiland Arena in the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center


(Events & Workshops Tab)
How to prepare: See tips | Watch video



* Limit of 3 Staffing Agencies 

Register and pay by Jan. 10, 2025 for a $50 discount! No refunds after March 5, 2025. Last minute cancellations and no shows will be expected to submit payment.


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Participating Employers 

VIP Participants:
