Direct Parent PLUS Loan

This parent loan is available to credit-worthy parents of undergraduate students regardless of income. This loan program allows parents to borrow the difference between the cost of education and the financial assistance the student is scheduled to receive.

View the Loan Application Process

Priority Deadline: July 1

Credit Check Requirement

To meet the federally defined credit worthiness requirements, an applicant cannot be 90 days or more delinquent on the repayment of any debt, the subject of a default determination, bankruptcy discharge, foreclosure, repossession, tax lien, wage garnishment or write off of a Title IV debt during the last five years.

If the parent receives a denied credit decision on their PLUS Loan application, there are a few options. Parents can add a credit-worthy endorser, appeal the credit decision, or request the Additional Unsubsidized Direct Loan for the student. For more details on options and steps, please see this link


Interest begins to accrue after the first disbursement, and payment of principal and interest begins 60 days after the final disbursement. Parents can apply for an in-school deferment for as long as their student is enrolled at least half-time.



On or after July 1, 2024 and
before July 1, 2025

Parent PLUS Loan  9.083%


On or after July 1, 2025 and
before July 1, 2026

Parent PLUS Loan  Coming Soon


Origination Fee

All Direct PLUS Loans are subject federal origination fee which is subtracted from the loan at the time of disbursement.

First Disbursement Loan Fee Fee on a Loan Amount Of
On or after October 1, 2020 and 
before October 1, 2025
4.228%  $422.80 on a $10,000 loan

Annual Loan Amount

When completing the online PLUS loan application, the parent will be presented with the option to either:

  • Specify a loan amount


  • Borrow the maximum Direct PLUS Loan amount for which I am eligible, as determined by the school
    • If the parent selects to borrow the maximum, please be advised the Office of Financial Aid will increase the loan amount up to the maximum amount based on the student’s eligibility and cost of attendance.

Loan Amount Changes & Adjustments

If an adjustment to the amount is needed for any reason, the parent must complete and submit a Loan Change Request Form before the start of the term.
