Private/Alternative Student Loans

Private student loans (also interchangeably called education or alternative student loans) are designed to bridge the gap between college costs and traditional financial aid resources. They may be used to help pay for current term expenses, past due balances from a previous term or academic year, and can also be used for students who are enrolled less than half time.

Private student loans cannot exceed the Cost of Attendance minus other financial aid the student is receiving. They are offered and serviced by private loan lenders.

California Lutheran University will only certify private student loans for students who are meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Compare Your Options

Should you borrow a Federal Loan or a Private Student Loan?

If you are trying to decide between borrowing a federal student loan or a private student loan, be sure to compare the pros and cons of each before making your decision.

If you completed the FAFSA, you may qualify for federal loans or other assistance under the Title IV program. The terms and conditions of federal loans under the Title IV program may be more favorable than those of private student loans. Generally, students should exhaust their federal loan eligibility before opting for an private student loan.

Review this helpful comparison diagram provided by Federal Student Aid to determine what type of loan may best suit you.


You must complete the 3 steps below in order to receive a private student loan.


For questions contact the Financial Aid Office at

